
Academic staff mobility outside the EU/EEA

Express your interest by 21 August 2024




LU currently has Erasmus+funding available for teachers and researchers who want to spend one to two weeks at a selected partner university outside of Europe (EU/EEA). You can, for example, give lectures, provide supervision and participate in activities that provide skills development or insights that can be used for organisational development. Research activities can not be funded.

Funding is highly competitive and only a limited number of Erasmus+ funds will be awarded.  

Please note that we do not yet have the confirmation from all partners that they will be able to sign an Erasmus+agreement with Lund University (see information in Question 6 "Partner university" of this form). Only with an Erasmus+agreeement in place, we are able to award an Erasmus+ scholarship.

The process consists of two steps

  1. Expression of interest through this form (including an invitation letter/confirmation of host). 
  2. After confirmation that you have secured a place, you can apply for the Erasmus+ funds according to specific e-mail instructions.


Important: The stay must be completed by 31 July 2025. 


Scholarship information

The Erasmus+ funding  consists of two parts and is transferred to your home department upon completion of the mobility (this is not a personal scholarship).

  • Daily allowance: 180 euros per day.
  • Travel grant: based on the distance between Lund University and the host university


Read more about Erasmus+mobility

Erasmus+ teaching mobility

Erasmus+ staff training


For more information please contact Petra Moser-Noergaard


This question is compulsory
This question is compulsory
Faculty at LU
This question is compulsory
Department at LU
This question is compulsory
Main purpose of the mobility (only one option can be selected)
This question is compulsory
Partner university (Special conditions and processes may apply at some partner universities, e.g. bench fees. *Erasmus+ agreements, needed for the Erasmus+ funding, will be discussed between LU and this partner university only after 21 August.)
This question is compulsory
Description of planned activity
Invalid value, it must contain at least 100 charactersThis question is compulsory
Motivation for mobility
Invalid value, it must contain at least 200 charactersThis question is compulsory
Planned duration of the mobility
This question is compulsory
Preferred start date of the mobility (Important: An Erasmus+agreement has to be inplace at the mobility start)
This question is compulsory
Please upload an invitation letter/host confirmation
This question is compulsory